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Massage is not a luxury as many people think, it is beneficial to mind, body and soul, helping to keep you in balance.

After many years of training and giving massage, I have a variety of techniques that I use throughout your treatment. They can be deep, releasing, rejuvenating and nourishing. As well as using my hands, my main focus is working with the soft surfaces of my forearms. This means it is both deeper and more relaxing than conventional massage.

Myofascial Release - Your Fascia is the connective tissue that runs continuously throughout your body from your head to your feet.  It wraps around and penetrates all your muscles, bones, nerves, organs - well, everything! This is why it is important to give it some dedicated time at the beginning of your session to help it soften and realign, as tightness in your fascia can cause restrictions throughout the whole body. Myofascial Release is performed at the start of your treatment, as this technique does not use oil on the body. There is very little movement, still holding, gentle pressure, rolling, but the outcome can bring a feeling of lightness and balance.

Not just for the odd injury or occasional pampering, but Massage to help your journey through life. You can only understand it by feeling it!

Whether you have back/neck/shoulder/head/leg/foot pain - any form of tight muscle or restriction or are mentally or physically run down this is a powerful yet gentle massage that works on every level. 

Even if you are feeling on top of the world - a regular massage can help keep you that way.

There are many variations of style, depth and speed of massage. The choice is yours, it is your treatment,

how would you like to feel at the end of your session?



£53 - Pay on the day Treatment - appx 1 hour

£48 - Monthly - appx 1 hour

Please allow up to 75 mins for your appointment

£46 - Pay on the day Treatment - appx 40 mins

£41 - Monthly - appx 40 mins

Please allow up to 55 mins for your appointment

Any questions or to book an appointment please call or email.

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